Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Day for Lesley!

Lesley had a great day because Lillie Grace got to stay with her for awhile. But it was SO SO SO sad to see her leave. Lille Grace started to cry. She misses her Mommy so much. The nurses actually told Lesley today that Lillie Grace can stay all night on the weekends so Lesley is excited about the upcoming weekend with Lillie Grace.

As for Lesley and baby Kayson...the ultrasound this morning showed everything the same except for the fluid level. It's below normal, but still within limits for baby Kayson's safety. Lesley has to drink several pitchers of water all day long in addition to her IV fluids to keep her fluid levels up! Lesley appreciates all the visits and phone calls from everyone. Her and Keith both know how many prayers are being said for them!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for updating. it's great to hear that they are continuing to do well.

