Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24th 2009

As of this morning Lesley seems to be in good spirits. Ultrasound tests have confirmed that baby Kayson is still doing well and contractions have stopped. Her fluid level is still good which is a great sign and continuation of antibiotics are still being administered due to risk of infection. The doctor plans to take her off the meds that stop contractions tonight to see how well Lesley can tolerate it. If contractions persist, then baby Kayson will be here very soon. If they subside, Lesley will remain in the hospital for up to 4 weeks before delivery. Please pray for strength for their family.


  1. Hey Keith and Leslie, just wanted you to know that we are steadfastly praying for you guys. I sent out a prayer request to our SS class on Friday and I am keeping everyone posted. Baby Kayson is going to be just fine. God has his loving hand upon him. If you need anything please don't hesitate to call or ask.

  2. Leslie I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and your family. Let me know if you need anything. We would love to have Lillie Grace over for a play date if you need to get her mind off things, anytime just let us know. You and Baby Kayson are going to be fine...God is always in control and God is always awsome!

